Title: Adventures of a Lifetime: Travel Tales from Around the World
Editor: Janna Graber
Publication: January 15, 2015
Publisher: World Traveler Press
Source: Publisher
Genre Category: Non-Fiction, Traveling
Adventure can mean so many things. For some, adventure is climbing the peaks of Tibet, sailing the open seas or cycling through Europe. For others, it means conquering a fear or pushing yourself to a whole new level. And for many, adventure means bravely stepping into the unknown of a new culture, language or setting. At its core, adventure travel means pushing yourself to experience something novel and worthwhile. Join the wild, bumpy ride during these 24 adventures of a lifetime.
• Get chased by monkeys in the forests of Indonesia
• See what happens when you’re stranded in the Gobi Desert
• Play a game of naked Frisbee with a tribe in New Guinea
• Hang out with polar bears in the frozen lands of Manitoba
• Say goodbye to your love on a final trip to Venice
• Get hopelessly lost during a scary jungle hike in Hawaii
• Stare history in the face uncovering your roots in Latvia
• Watch over your back for hippos on a Ugandan safari
• Attempt to sail across Australia’s wild Bass Strait
• Travel by camel with the “Blue Men” of Mali
• Step foot in Antarctica among icebergs and penguins
And many more…
Contributors include:
• Robert N. Jenkins
• Michael Engelhard
• Kimberley Lovato
• James Michael Dorsey
• Todd Pitock
• Maggie Cooper
• Mariusz Stankiewicz
• Erin Byrne
• Darrin DuFord
• Dan Leeth
• Asia Nichols
• Bruce Northam
• Claire Ibarra
• Mim Swartz
• Janna Graber
• Richard McCulloch
• David Richard Teece
• Gina Kremer
• Peter Mandel
• Aaron Paulson
• Nayanna Chakrbarty
For most, traveling to random corners of the world is a dream. We don’t always get to go to every place we wish. Most people, if lucky, get to a few places on their bucket list. “Adventures of a Lifetime” gives the reader the opportunity to go on an adventure to a lot of great places that most likely would not have happened. It’s a dreamers book.
‘Adventures of a Lifetime’ is real life stories from travelers all over who took the time to write down, in detail, their adventures to places like the Gobi dessert, Mali, Indonesia, Hawaii, and Antarctica to name a few. Now I can say there are a few places on there I would be terrified to visit. But those are things I also would love to experience. ‘Adventures of a Lifetime’ allows you to from the comfort of your own home.
This book is such a great idea. I loved hearing about the joys of the trips as well as the terrifying instances that could have ended with life OR death. Reading these stories made me feel like I was there. The part I love most about this book is that it reads like a novel. It doesn’t feel like you are just reading someone elses story. The writers take you with them… draw you in… and allow you to experience what they did.
I would definitely pick up a volume 2, 3, 4, and more just to experience places in the world that I have yet to go. I can almost say I chilled with polar bears. It’s like I did after reading this. A fantastic book from World Traveler Press. I highly recommend this for anyone who loves traveling or just wants a really good story to read. Five out of five stars happily given.
Make sure to pick up your copy online at Amazon or Barnes & Noble, or swing by your local bookstore!