Title: The Wish Lists
Author: J.M. Spade
Publication: October 16, 2019
Publisher: Independently Published
Genre: Romance, Medical Fiction
Pages: 291
SYNOPSIS: (From Goodreads)
Fly-by-the-Seat-of-Her-Pants Ellie has been living off her father’s fortune for years. Learning he has cancer pushes her into a career change despite being in her thirties. When her first night shift on the palliative care floor ends in disaster, she finds herself alone and feeling lost. Will meeting the love of her life change this?As she starts over, her patients help her find her purpose and Asher helps her find herself again. Will the secrets she keeps destroy it all?
**A copy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.**
When my co-editor saw that a mutual friend from high school had written a book, we both agreed that we wanted to review it for our website. I volunteered to read it because I am the resident romance reader and it was medically related which is right up my alley. I couldn’t wait to read the book. I started it the very night that I got my copy.
The story starts out with Ellie remembering her youth. Hopping the world on her Daddy’s dime until he put the end to that. She got a job as a secretary for a local lawyers office until she found him dead in his office one day. It wasn’t until her dad started suffering from cancer that she found her one true calling….nursing. She enrolls in nursing school and passes with flying colors. Her father dies in his sleep one day and she is left alone in the world. Her mother abandoned her when she was only 5.
I loved the story line from the very beginning. Having worked in the medical industry for 10+ years until my first child was born I could understand having a passion. I worked everything from Cardiology to Trauma Care. I loved that the interchange between patient and nursing staff is one that can’t be replicated anywhere. You are there for their every need. Pain medicine, serving their lunch, holding a hand if they needed it. This same feeling and dedication was all represented in The Wish Lists. The details are accurate and realistic, which makes this an easy read.
Ellie was in Palliative/End of Life Care. That is something that I gave her kudos for. The stories that Ellie told of all of her patients made me laugh and shake my head remembering my similar experiences. Some of the stories had me gasping in surprise. The whole wish list thing that Ellie did for her patient left a warm fuzzy feeling. She found a way to use the money that she had for good and for helping out those in need. This book will definitely be in my top ten round up that I will do at end of year. It gave you romance that was clean. The story line gave me a happy feeling that in this day and age is tough to find. Anyone who has a history in the medical field or loves stories that tie in the medical field and loves a little romance will devour The Wish Lists.
You can get your copy of The Wish Lists by J.M. Spade on Amazon now! Also make sure to add it to your To Reads list on Goodreads and leave feedback for the author when you are finished. While this is her debut novel, make sure to also stay tuned for more novels from author J.M. Spade in the future.