Honestly, I had never heard of this book or this movie until 1) my husband as me if I had ever read the book then 2) my friend and neighbor asked me if I have ever watched the movie. I knew at that moment the book to movie gods were calling me to read the book and watch the movie. I was excited to start the book. I do like vampire books so I was hoping that this would be the book for me.
A quick recap of the storyline, Louise is turned into a vampire by Lestat. Louise has trouble with adjusting to his new lifestyle as well as handling Lestats lifestyle. Killing just for the heck of it, just to drink and feel alive. So Lestat turns a little girl that Louise finds into a companion for Louise, enter stage left Claudia. Things sort of go downhill for Louise and Claudia after that. Once I trudged through the book and yes I say trudged. It was slow, pointless and I could care less about the characters or their issues. I was holding out hope for the movie. With an all-star cast that includes Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Antonio Banderas, and Kristin Dunst I was hoping that it would be better than the book.
Spoiler: the movie is no better. I honestly didn’t even bother finishing it. I felt that it was overacted, mellow dramatic, and it was boring. I found myself doing other things and just listening to it, ie: scroll Facebook, Pinterest and read a book. I think that the rating of R for horror was a bit over the top. I actually found myself laughing at the movie instead of being freaked out. The vampire teeth and fake blood were over the top.
I will say that the sets were gorgeous as well as the costumes. I will say that I think that it did follow the book pretty well like there was nothing that really popped out at me as wrong. I wish that this was a better movie than it was. My friend raved about it and told me how sucked in she got to the movie. I was really excited, and much like the Mortal Instruments movie I couldn’t even bring myself to finish it. In the end read the book if you want, it honestly was something that I probably should have DNF instead of slogging through it and watch the movie if you want. I doubt I will be reading any of the other books in the series or watching the other movie they made out of the book series.
Pick up your copy of Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice on Amazon, Barnes and Noble or check your local bookstore. You can purchase the movie starring Tom Cruise on Amazon HERE. Check out more from author Anne Rice on her website HERE. Make sure to add it to your To Reads list on Goodreads!