There has to be no better feeling for a writer than when their debut novel hits the shelves for readers everywhere. J.M. Spade got to experience that feeling just recently as her book, The Wish Lists, launched to the masses. A medical drama from someone who knows the medical field has to be pretty darn accurate and incredibly entertaining. We got the opportunity to talk with author J.M. Spade about her feelings with the release of her book, how it all came about, and what she might be working on now. Book two anyone? Check out everything she had to say and make sure to follow the link after the interview to pick up your copy and check out our review of The Wish Lists.

How does it feel now that your first book is out for the masses to read?
It fees excellent! Totally unreal, honestly. When I held my own book for the first time, I almost cried. And then I got nervous realized that many people would be reading my story. It can feel a little exposed at times. So far everyone has loved it so that has helped drive my motivation. I keep having to ask myself “what does success look like” and then re-shaping the answer as I achieve them.
At what point did you decide you wanted to write? Have you always had a passion for it?
I have always enjoyed writing. I think I wrote my first book in elementary school. I can’t even remember what it was about but I know I have it somewhere. I illustrated it, and I am not good at drawing. I also remember one year for Christmas I got a bind your own book kit. I stopped writing for many years though and then had kids and all that stuff. A new patient admitted to my facility recently who is into writing and she and I bonded over this. As I encouraged her to write, she encouraged and inspired me! I didn’t tell anyone that I was working on a book until it was close to being finished!
How did the writing process go? Did you get in the right head space and it just all came out or did you hit a lot of speed bumps along the way?
The writing process went a lot better than I imagined. Rather than trying to write it from start to finish, I flip-flopped around a lot. I outlined as I went and wrote the parts that I felt inspired to write at the time. I don’t even think I ran into writer’s block! I kept everything organized on a spreadsheet (I’m addicted to spreadsheets!)
Where did you come up with the character of Ellie?
Ellie is completely made up! Originally her name was actually Francine, but towards the end, I was sick of hearing Francine so I changed it! I don’t think she’s like me much and I can’t really say she’s someone I want to be. She just evolved over time.
Is she and the events in the book based on anything in your real life?
The events definitely not based on my life, but some of the nursing stories were inspired by things that have happened around me. For example, my work bestie had a g-tube explode on her one night while we were working together… and thus that story was added in… and that patient that inspired me to write wanted to be in the book as a villain… Because I work with dementia patients, it was easy to write some of the stories and I have worked with hospice patients before as well.
Do you have any plans to write another book? Possibly a book 2 in the series?
I’ve already got my next book about 35% written. It’s about an emergency room nurse who loses her filter and tells patients what she’s thinking… Along the way, she handles personal drama in her life… November is National Novel Writers Month (NaNoWriMo) and the goal is to write a 50,000-word manuscript in 1 month… Because I don’t have that many words left in my current project, I will actually be starting Ellie’s sequel during the month of November! I already have an entire plan for her!
Not to forget, “The Wish Lists” is being narrated into an audiobook! I’m extremely excited about that since I’m an audiobook “reader” myself.
Fly-by-the-Seat-of-Her-Pants Ellie has been living off her father’s fortune for years. Learning he has cancer pushes her into a career change despite being in her thirties. When her first night shift on the palliative care floor ends in disaster, she finds herself alone and feeling lost. Will meeting the love of her life change this?As she starts over, her patients help her find her purpose and Asher helps her find herself again. Will the secrets she keeps destroy it all?
You can make sure to pick up your copy of The Wish Lists on Amazon! Also make sure to check out our review of The Wish Lists HERE. Add it to your To Reads list on Goodreads. Make sure you follow J.M. Spade on Twitter and Facebook.