Title: Children of Daedala (Children of Icarus Book 2) Author: Caighlan Smith Publication: April 1, 2018 Publisher: Switch Press Genre: Teens, YA Fiction, Fantasy, Syfy
Tag: Switch Press
Title: Strange Alchemy Author: Gwenda Bond Publication: August 1, 2017 Publisher: Switch Press Genre: Teens, YA Fiction Pages: 336
Gwenda Bond made a brave step when she entered the DC Universe and took on the tough job of bringing a teenage Lois Lane to
Title: Lois Lane: Triple Threat Author: Gwenda Bond Publication: May 1, 2017 Publisher: Switch Press Genre: Teen, YA Fiction Pages: 360
Title: Children of Icarus Author: Caighlan Smith Publication: August 1, 2016 Publisher: Switch Press Genre: YA, Fantasy Pages: 312
Title: State of Grace Author: Hilary Badger Publication: September 1, 2015 Publisher: Switch Press Genre: YA Fiction Pages: 304 Source: Netgalley