Title: The WivesAuthor: Tarryn FisherPublication: December 30, 2019Publisher: Graydon HouseGenre: ThrillerPages: 255 SYNOPSIS: (From Goodreads) Thursday’s husband, Seth, has two other wives. She’s never met
Author: Lisa Becker
Title: The Perfect MarriageAuthor: Jeneva RosePublication: July 13, 2020Publisher: Bloodhound BooksGenre: Mystery ThrillerPages: 344 SYNOPSIS: (From Goodreads) Sarah Morgan is a successful and powerful defense
Title: The BetrothedAuthor: Kiera CassPublication: May 5, 2020Publisher: Harper TeenGenre: YA/Teen FictionPages: 318 SYNOPSIS: (From Goodreads) When King Jameson declares his love for Lady Hollis