Title: Alumni Association
Author: Michael Rudolph
Publication: February 5, 2019
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Genre: Thrillers, Legal Thrillers. Conspiracy
Pages: 215

SYNOPSIS: (From Amazon)
When young attorney Beth Swahn agrees to represent a former military academy facing demolition, what begins as a simple real estate litigation soon becomes a dangerously real threat. Beth’s stepfather, a founding partner at her law firm, is part of the now-shuttered school’s alumni association that’s determined to see its old campus preserved as a historical landmark, safe from developers’ bulldozers. But beneath the campus’s main building—once the nineteenth-century mansion of Napoleon Bonaparte’s older brother—runs an extensive network of tunnels, which may be where the alumni’s true interest lies . . . along with their school days’ darkest secrets.
As more of the academy’s former cadets become entangled in the case, and millions of dollars mysteriously go missing, Beth faces increasingly treacherous legal landmines—and worse—in a case that could be more than just a career killer.
**A copy of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**
I had high hopes for Alumni Association after reading the description of the book. The cover looked intriguing and the story seemed solid and unique. Unfortunately I was let down after being so hyped to start reading.
The story is based on a an alumni association of a school that is set for demolition, but the alumni want it preserved as a historical landmark. But really, do they? Or is there more they are hiding that would crush them all if it got out?
Let me start by saying I did not finish this book. I tried. I really did. It’s not that the story couldn’t be a good one, but the flow of the story was way off. I am a true believer that the beginning of a story is just as important, if not more important, than the climax. Those first few chapters are what grip the reader and make them want to keep reading. Alumni Association did not grip me. I felt like I was just reading dialogue and it wasn’t smooth. Very choppy. Almost as if I was reading a script with none of the fluff helping the reader picture the scene. Choppy and disjointed are words that come to mind.
The plot line was a decent one and could have definitely kept my attention if their had been something in those first few chapters that really hooked you. By definition a thriller should be just that, but I was not thrilled. If there was more suspense and thrill towards the end of the book, I apologize for not seeing it. But I just couldn’t bring myself to keep reading after spending so much time trying to force myself to enjoy this novel.
I’m a firm believer in second chances and therefore I will definitely try out another Michael Rudolph book. This one may have just not been my cup of tea, which is why I encourage others to pick it up and try it out for yourself. Just because I didn’t care for it, doesn’t mean it’s not for someone else. So, try it out!
Pick up your copy of Alumni Association by Michael Rudolph on Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Also make sure to leave feedback for the author when you are finished. You can check out more from Michael Rudolph HERE on Amazon.