Title: Meet Met in the Margins
Author: Melissa Ferguson
Publication: February 15, 2022
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Genre: Romance
Pages: 319
SYNOPSIS: (From Goodreads)
Savannah Cade’s dreams are coming true. The Claire Donovan, editor-in-chief of the most successful romance imprint in the country, has requested to see the manuscript Savannah’s been secretly writing while working as an editor herself—except at her publishing house, the philosophy is only highbrow works are worth printing and commercial fiction, particularly romance, should be reserved for the lowest level of Dante’s inferno. But when Savannah drops her manuscript during a staff meeting and nearly exposes herself to the whole company—including William Pennington, new publisher and son of the romance-despising CEO herself—she races to hide her manuscript in the secret turret room of the old Victorian office.
When she returns, she’s dismayed to discover that someone has not only been in her hidden nook but has written notes in the margins—quite critical ones. But when Claire’s own reaction turns out to be nearly identical to the scribbled remarks, and worse, Claire announces that Savannah has six weeks to resubmit before she retires, Savannah finds herself forced to seek the help of the shadowy editor after all.
As their notes back and forth start to fill up the pages, however, Savannah finds him not just becoming pivotal to her work but her life. There’s no doubt about it. She’s falling for her mystery editor. If she only knew who he was.
Like most of my books, I don’t remember where I picked it up at. I know I got it because it was bookish-themed with the whole margins thing and the main character trying to get a book published. As to where…..it may have been something that the Easter Bunny put in my basket or I may have picked it up on a whim when I was grocery shopping, either way it found its way onto my TBR shelf and that is all that matters.
Savannah or Sav for short works as an assistant editor at a Pennington Publishing House. While she loves her job she dreams of becoming a published author. She turns her manuscript which she thinks is amazing into a another publishing house and hides her manuscript in a room at work. Imagine her shock when she finds that someone has edited part of her work and has done a pretty critical edit of it as well….. follow that up with her dismay when her manuscript gets denied. Still, they have somewhat similar critiques that her mystery editor does. Will she forget her dreams of becoming an author or will she beg the help of her mystery editor since they seem to know what they were talking about? Ok, first off I am embarrassed to say that I started this book back in frickin June y’all. I tried to like it and tried to get to it but I had other books that came up or I found something else to read. Once I got through the first like 50 pages I really started to enjoy it. So much so that I would knock big 100-page chunks out.
This book is a sweet romance and for sure a slow-burn one at that. If you are looking for a good clean romance this is certainly it, the characters I believe kiss maybe one time and there is nothing more about it. I know that a lot of books are quite steamy but this is not one of those books. I really liked the main character even if she was mousy at moments. But in the end, she went after what she wanted even if she made those messages get crossed and get somewhat lost in translation. Some of the parts made me giggle, especially the whole event in the clerk’s office with everyone in line to get hitched. It was a laugh-out-loud moment and I just knew what was coming with the whole thing, which made it 10 times more enjoyable. I really liked the idea behind the book. It kind of reminded me of grade school where you passed notes back and forth with each other, but instead of knowing who you are passing the note too you have absolutely no clue, I mean I knew as the reader who her mystery editor was, that part was a bit dragged out but oh well. All in all the book was well written and flowed well from chapter to chapter. I see that the author has several other books out as well and I will probably be adding them to my collection.