BOOK REVIEW: “Never Never: Part One” By Colleen Hoover

Title: Never Never: Part One
Author: Colleen Hoover
Publication: January 7, 2015
Publisher: Hoover Ink
Source: Purchase
Genre Category: YA Fiction, Suspense, Romantic Suspense

Never Never


Best friends since they could walk. In love since the age of fourteen.
Complete strangers since this morning.
He’ll do anything to remember. She’ll do anything to forget.

I’m a huge fan of Colleen Hoover. Her writing is good. I first read her work when a friend recommended her book “Hopeless” to me. Then I read ‘Losing Hope’. Then I Googled her and saw she had other books and proceeded to read ‘This Girl’, ‘Slammed’, and ‘Point of Retreat’. There are a few more I still want and need to read… they anxiously await my attention in my Kindle App on my iPad… but for now I just finished reading her new book ‘Never Never: Part One’. Now… funny story. I missed the PART ONE part of the title when I started reading. So imagine my surprise when I get to the end of the book and its not quite over. Que the tears of sadness.

With that being said, I believe ‘Never Never’ is a step outside of what I’m use to seeing from Hoover. While her books typically have a lot of drama and romance, ‘Never Never’ is more aimed at suspense and mystery. It’s not quite in the area of a murder/mystery novel, but its headed in that direction. Charlie and Silas are two characters that every teen knows. I don’t want to spoil their roles in the book, so I’ll simply say that if you weren’t one of them in school, you hated them… or wished to be them.

‘Never Never’ kept me hanging by a thread the whole book. I literally had to read it in a day because I had to know what happen. Again… queue my surprise at the end. I loved how the characters were one type of person and throughout the book you kind of see how peer pressure and other factors in life can shape us to do things we probably normally wouldn’t do. I genuinely feel as if these characters show us there is always a chance at redemption and being a better person.

My only complaint would have been how confused I was and angry because I had no idea what was happening (still don’t!). It did occur to me at the end, though, that was the point of the story. I felt how I imagine Charlie and Silas felt the entire book. Hoover has a way of connecting us to the characters so we can’t stop reading. Intriguing, unique, character driven, suspenseful, and riveting… the easiest sum of this book. I may be a bias reader seeing as I was already a fan of her work, but this stepped outside the box and was still incredible. Five out of five stars. Make sure to pick it up now on Amazon or a book store near you!

OH! And did I mention that part two comes out May 5, 2015? It does. You can pre-order now on Amazon! Also make sure to check out Colleen Hoover on her website. All her other works of art are listed there. Read them all. You’ll love them (I hope). And of course swing over to Goodreads and mark ‘Never Never: Part One’ (or any other of her books) as To Read!

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