Title: Chloe By Design Series (Making the Cut, Balancing Act and Measuring Up)
Author: Margaret Gurevich and Brooke Hagel
Publication: 2014-2016
Publisher: Capstone Young Readers
Genre: YA Fiction
SYNOPSIS: (From Goodreads)
For Chloe By Design: Making the Cut (Book 1)
For viewers that love Project Runway comes a series that puts fashion at the forefront. 16-year-old Chloe Montgomery has always loved everything to do with fashion. Clothes, accessories, designing–she knows it all. And when she finds out Teen Design Diva, a new reality series for aspiring teenage designers, is holding auditions in her town, she’s desperate to win a spot on the show. She knows this is her chance to finally get her designs noticed. But before Chloe can realize her dreams, she has to survive the competition.
**A copy of these books were provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.**
The Chloe By Design series was not one I would normally have thought to read only because I am not extremely knowledgeable on the fashion front, but the books had catchy covers, interesting story lines and I am always interested in a good series. Margaret Gurevich and Brooke Hagel offer up a coming of age story for all to show that hard work pays off and sometimes that hard work is a bit harder and more stressful than you imagined.
The story follows Chloe Montgomery as she embarks on a roller coaster of a ride. The first book starts with her trying out for Teen Design Diva and continues on to the perils and joys that followed. Chloe is such a great character to read about because she could be anyone. While she is extremely talented and fashion forward, which some cannot relate to, she is self-conscious, indecisive, makes mistakes with friends and has to apologize, and is torn by a boy on what to do… all while trying to make her book move towards her dream job. She goes through things we can all go through. And her best friend is amazing too. I love her just as much as Chloe. All the characters that Gurevich and Hagel write about are relatable, funny, friendly, and well thought out. The little details about each supporting character brings the story together, weaving them into an extendable family I would love to be a part of. The story also offers many good lessons that a young adult or teen could learn from in their own lives.
I already have recommended this book to numerous people, including my 13 year old niece and my 30 year-old friend. While it may be categorized as Young Adult Fiction it definitely is a fun, easy, and most importantly entertaining, read for all. I personally cannot wait for the next book from Gurevich and Hagel. This one definitely deserves the five stars I’m giving it.
You can pick up copies of Making the Cut, Balancing Act, and Measuring Up from the Chloe By Design series on Amazon. You can also locate it in your local bookstore. Make sure to add the books to your Goodreads To Read list and leave feedback for the author when you are finished reading.