Title: Unfollow Me
Author: Charlotte Duckworth
Publication: March, 110, 2020
Publisher: Crooked Lane Books
Genre: Mystery/Thriller/Suspense
Pages: 288
SYNOPSIS: (From Goodreads)
You Can’t Stop Watching Her.
Violet Young is a hugely popular journalist-turned-mummy-vlogger, with three young children, a successful husband and a million subscribers on YouTube who tune in daily to watch her everyday life unfold.
Until the day she’s no longer there.
But one day she disappears from the online world – her entire social media presence deleted overnight, with no explanation. Has she simply decided that baring her life to all online is no longer a good idea, or has something more sinister happened to her?
But do you really know who Violet is?
Told from the perspectives of her most avid fans, obsessed with finding out the truth, their search quickly reveals a web of lies, betrayal, and shocking consequences…
**A copy of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**
I was instantly intrigued when I read the description of this book. There has been a rise in social media inspired novels in the past few years and I always find them fascinating because it’s real life. We are obsessed with social media. So I had to read this book.
First impression from the first chapter, a slow start. I was expecting an interesting story line and instead I was left feeling it was lackluster and a bit drab. While I continued to read through, I found my mind wandering to other things in my life and when I had free time to continue reading, I was drawn to other activities. This book just was not holding my attention.
Full disclosure: I did not finish this book. I could not get into it long enough to even read, so I had to give up at 20%. Now, I fully encourage others to read this book. It may just not click with me and it will with other readers. Check it out and share your thoughts.
Pick up your copy of Unfollow Me by Charlotte Duckworth on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and check your local bookstore. Also make sure to add it to your To Reads list on Goodreads and leave feedback for the author when you are finished. You can check out more from author Charlotte Duckworth HERE.