Title: Now I Know More
Author: Dan Lewis
Publication: November 2014
Publisher: Adams Media
Pages: 272
SYNOPSIS: (From Amazon)
Dan Lewis, creator of the Webby Award–winning Now I Know newsletter, is back with 101 unbelievable-but-true stories to blow your mind. Get ready to find out the real deal behind a new collection of fascinating facts. From pink camouflaged fighter planes to secret Harry Potter characters, Now I Know More covers everything from history and science to sports and pop culture.
You’ll learn about made-up towns that made their way onto real maps, the time three MLB teams squared off in a single game, and ninety-nine more curious cases of remarkable trivia. And it’s all true. With this book, you really will know more!
Calling all history buffs… or just plain knowledge buffs. This book was made for you! If you have a love for information, whether it is useful or not, this is the perfect book for you. Dan Lewis has taken something that might be boring in history books at school or snippets found on TV or in other books… and made it interesting.
‘Now You Know More’ is a book filled with stories that go into detail about different facts from the world. This can be history facts or entertainment facts. There are a ton of them. And… they are incredibly intriguing. Even topics I have never found interest in had me reading to see more in-depth details about. Lewis has gathered an abundance of information into one place, but only in 272 pages. So each story is compact, but packs in the knowledge and interest to keep people going. It’s like reading four chapters of a book in a matter of a few pages.
I give props to Lewis for making learning fun. Knowledge is power, but sometimes learning it can be daunting… but ‘Now You Know More’ makes it almost a game. Who can learn enough to know more than there friends! Or come out triumphant on trivia night. A fantastic book to have around for a lot of different reasons and to share with all your friends (or keep to yourself if you want to outsmart them)! Four out of five stars to Dan Lewis and his book ‘Now You Know More’.
You can also check out Lewis’ first award winning book ‘Now You Know’. ‘Now You Know More is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Links are below. Make sure to follow Lewis on twitter to keep up with him.