Title: Trusting You, Trusting MeAuthor: Tylor PaigePublication: June 30, 2020Publisher: Self PublishedGenre: Rockstar RomancePages: 358 SYNOPSIS: From Amazon Dita is a runner. She doesn’t commit
Tag: Missing You Missing Me
Title: Cherishing You, Cherishing MeAuthor: Tylor PaigePublication: October 4, 2019Publisher: Amazon Digital ServiceGenre: Contemporary RomancePages: 315 SYNOPSIS: (From Goodreads) Renee never expected to marry a
Title: Promising You, Promising MeAuthor: Tylor PaigePublication: May 7, 2019Publisher: Amazon Digital PublishingGenre: Romance, LGBTQPages: 371 SYNOPSIS (From Goodreads): Adrian is used to being on
With more than 60 books read this year, Liz narrowed down a few of her favorite books from 2018. Check them out and let us
Title: Missing You, Missing MeAuthor: Tylor PaigePublication: November 20, 2018Publisher: Amazon Digital PublishingGenre: Contemporary, RomancePages: 329 SYNOPSIS: (From Goodreads) Cleo is good at two things: