Title: The Life and Death of Rose DoucetteAuthor: Harry HunsickerPublication: October 1, 2024Publisher: Oceanview PublishingGenre: MysteriesPages: 314 Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Goodreads | Author Website SYNOPSIS: (From Goodreads) Dallas
Tag: Oceanview Publishing
Title: Killer StoryAuthor: Matt WittenPublication: January 17, 2023Publisher: Oceanview PublishingGenre: ThrillerPages: 370 Amazon Barnes and Noble Goodreads Author Website SYNOPSIS: (From Goodreads) How far will
Title: The NecklaceAuthor: Matt WittenPublication: September 7, 2021Publisher: Oceanview PublishingGenre: ThrillerPages: 259 SYNOPSIS: (From Goodreads) The clock ticks down in a heart-pounding crusade for justice.