Title: Daring Do and the Forbidden City of Clouds
Author: G.M. Berrow and A.K. Yearling
Publication: July 5, 2016
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Genre: Children’s Books
Pages: 208
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SYNOPSIS: (From Goodreads)
If a treasure cannot be seen… does it even exist?
When Daring Do visits her old pal A. B. Ravenhoof, the ex-adventurer reveals that there may be more in the sky than meets the eye…
Somewhere above Equestria floats a cloud city completely hidden from sight by ancient magic. Legend says the hidden kingdom is home to a unique type of Pegasus, along with a mysterious treasure called the Halo of Cirrostrata.
As soon as she learns about it, Daring Do can’t get her head out of the clouds! She has to see it. But how?
Many dangers await those who try to enter the forbidden city of Cirrostrata.
Can the brave adventurer find the secret island in the air, even if it means flying blind?
When my youngest daughter (5) found this book at Ollie’s Bargain Center she was so excited. I was, I admit, surprised to see that it was actually a physical book series. I know that they series exists in the My Little Pony Universe. Of course I had to buy it for her and at 2.99 I will never say to a book. She was so excited to read it and as a kindergartener she isn’t able to read it herself. I was more than happy to read it to her, even my older two kids (8&9) really got into the book and wanted me to read more chapters than what I did each night.
Daring Do is on another adventure. She battles the bad treasure hunters who are only looking for the treasures for their own profit. She gets a tip that she needs to search for a cloud city to find the last Halo. She learns that she needs to track down Brumby. Once she finds him she is able with his help locate the cloud city. Will Daring Do be able to help cloud city and retrieve the Halo? This book was really entertaining. My only big gripe about it that the book feels like it is one big barf of a dictionary. I know the book is geared for younger kids and they should expand their vocabulary but some of the words were a bit much.
The book is exciting and full of action. It really kept my kids engaged the entire time. I really liked having a story about Daring Do. The show has her in it in a few episodes but having a full series about her is wonderful. I really can’t wait to get more of these books for my kids. My youngest has asked for more of her books for Christmas.